Zirconium Crown

is a white alloy used instead of gray metal, which is the infrastructure of classical porcelain bridges and prostheses. It is used more for aesthetic purposes such as; in advanced discoloration that cannot be achieved with methods such as bleaching, in the treatment of hereditary structure discolorations, in the treatment of disjointed or less perplexed teeth, in crooked teeth such as diastema where orthodontic treatment is not preferred, in restorations of teeth with discolored and structured old fillings and excessive substance loss , in anterior group implant prostheses and in regulating smile aesthetics.You can continue to read our article, which gives information about Izmir zirconium crown prices, hollywood smile design and dental aesthetics.

Zirconium Izmir

At My nova Dental Clinic, zirconium coating comes first among the aesthetic solutions.Generally, when the teeth are discolored or darkened after root canal treatment, and in some cases, when exposed to antibiotic use or fluoride, the teeth may appear much darker than their normal colors Another aesthetic problem is that the teeth are not positioned in the anatomically correct places.In other words, as a canine tooth is positioned higher, the patient may have lost his smile aesthetics because one or both of the anterior incisors are in a fully rotated state.Sometimes the teeth may even extend under the tongue to grow into the palate or floor of the mouth.Teeth lined up in this way can be treated orthodontically, or sometimes, for time and economic reasons, it may be requested to be resolved in a much shorter time and without braces.If the patient cannot smile freely due to the color of their teeth and their positions, this creates a disadvantage for them to enter a comfortable social environment and psychologically affects their social life very negatively.In some cases, patients may have aesthetic concerns due to the fact that the old generation bridges, which have been made very old, are worn out due to material aging or because they are uncomfortable with their appearance.

Hollywood smile Izmir

The aesthetic point of view is a multifaceted and broad subject that includes many factors.Very visible gums, too big or too smallteeth ,or only the upper teeth which is more visible when speaking, All these are sub-steps of aesthetic problems.

Aesthetic smile design and surgery are our priority areas in My nova Dental Clinic.

It is very important to make a very good analysis and determination on these issues and to decide in common consensus with dentists who are experts in the patient's main problem.If the patient's problems are due to the reason or reasons mentioned above, a planning and programming is created for them and the patient's initial photographs and measurements are taken.The required angle and position size ordering criteria are designed on the patient's face in the most appropriate way, with the opportunities provided by digital dentistry on these taken photographs and measurements, and then these are provided to the patient in the clinic of the prototype work, which we call "mocap" in the digital environment.The important point here is to present the patient's prototype aesthetic solution prepared by the physician to his liking and to get his approval.If the patient and the physician agree on the aesthetic solution, the procedure is completed quickly and painlessly in a very short time.Since today's people are in a social environment and are in constant interaction, an aesthetic temporary tooth is definitely prepared in order not to deprive the patient of their teeth during this treatment.During the treatment, a comfortable process is ensured with these temporary teeth.While aesthetic solutions can be examined under separate headings, it is necessary to mention the zirconium or glass ceramic zirconium material that is the most used material today.The most impressive part of zirconium is undoubtedly that its light transmittance is very high and it is very close to the natural tooth.In addition, the most important properties of materials such as titanium, zirconium and gold are that they do not cause an allergic reaction with the tissue.

Zirconium teeth prices

This is very important because some patients may have a specific allergy to metal. Gums may become swollen, red, and prone to bleeding, whereas this is not the case with zirconium, gold or titanium. Since zirconium is prepared very thinly by special machines in the digital environment, it can be made in the thinnest limits in terms of cross-section. Therefore, zirconium has become indispensable for dentists and patients today. Not only dentists use zirconium as an aesthetic solution. In addition, laminated or popularly called leaf ceramic or full porcelain, popularly known as glass ceramic porcelain, are aesthetically superior materials that are frequently used and are aesthetic solutions that we get incredible results today. While dentistry of the 20th century was completely function-based, that is, chewing was accepted as the basic need of the patient and function was brought to the fore, in the 21st century aesthetics became more prominent and function took its place as an indispensable part of it.

Three important points of zirconium;

Durability: zirconium crowns last longer than other types of crowns.

Aesthetics: These crowns have a transparent color that blends well with other teeth.

Minimal damage to existing teeth: Minimal preparation is required, which means greater preservation of the original tooth. This is useful if the crown needs to be removed.This is why zirconium is preferred for a strong, long-lasting and visually appealing dental treatment. They are ideal for covering up signs of damage or staining as well as helping to preserve tissue function.

Life of Zirconium Teeth

A crown is a dental restoration that completely covers or surrounds a tooth or dental implant. Crowns are used to increase the strength or appearance of teeth. Also, extreme heat/cold sensitivity that can be felt with other crowns; does not normally occur due to the lack of electrical conductivity. It is rare for a zirconium tooth to fail on its own without any reason, but it is possible for the crown to break as a result of traumas. Crowns do not rot in any way. However, in cases where adequate oral and dental care is not provided, the tooth under the zirconium may decay. Deterioration under a poorly maintained crown is the most common cause of crown melting in patients. Poor hygiene is not the only reason. Improper use of a porcelain crown can cause the porcelain to crack or break, or the porcelain coated on the metal base to shatter.

It is difficult to determine how long crowns will last. Successful zirconium application allows the patient to give importance to oral and dental care and to use zirconiums in the long term. However, the factors required to prolong the life of a zirconium tooth are:


  • Position (posterior tooth, anterior tooth)
  • Number of teeth damaged when prepared for a crown
  • Bite forces
  • hygiene practices

Zirconiums replace the gold or stainless steel used in the past, creating a whiter and translucent tooth appearance. Zirconium is used in cosmetic dentistry, but has recently gained acceptance as the dental material of choice. Zirconium crowns and bridges can be used anywhere in the mouth. Zirconium crowns can withstand the biting pressure of the anterior teeth as well as the digestion or chewing process of the posterior teeth. The appearance of zirconium crowns and bridges is very close to natural teeth. Zirconium crowns are the preferred materials for dental crowns today.

Izmir aesthetic dentistry clinic

Zirconium, in particular, is a material that can withstand wear and tear in daily use in our clinic, which is one of the clinics that provide aesthetic dentistry treatment. When viewed from an aesthetic point of view, zirconium crowns are similar to a natural tooth and reflect light. This is especially important if your new crowns are in the front of your mouth and this crown will be visible next to natural teeth. Porcelain is the material used for new crowns, but full porcelain can crack or break. Zirconium gives the porcelain a normal tooth appearance and also strengthens it. Zirconium crowns allow the light to pass through like a normal tooth and give a natural look unlike other metal cores that block the light.

Does Zirconium Teeth Break?

Zirconium is a veneer used in dentistry. With the use of zirconium in dentistry, durability close to metal infrastructure is provided. The reasons why zirconium does not reflect from the bottom, as other materials do, does not cause discoloration of the gums and resists corrosion.

Do Zirconium Teeth Rot?

Because they are produced with such precision work, they sit on the surface of the clipped tooth. In this way, zirconium porcelain tooth does not allow caries to occur, as there is no natural space left for bacteria to penetrate. The zirconium coating is removed by cutting without causing any discomfort. It does not cause any tooth tissue loss.

Is There an Age Limit for Zirconium Application?

It can be applied at any age starting from the age of 18, if the patient's dental care habits are well established and there is no psychological or general health problem that will prevent treatment. The reason for starting the treatment is 18 because the development of the jaw bones is expected to be completed. The upper age limit for zirconium teeth is determined by the general health status of the patient. If there is no problem that may interfere with the treatment, zirconium treatment can be performed at any age that the patient needs.

Zirconium Gum Retraction

At this stage, it is very unlikely that a zirconium-induced gingival recession problem will occur, which patients should be aware of. There can be many reasons for tooth extraction. The main reasons are;

  • Calculus and bacteria
  • Advancing age
  • Teeth grinding problems
  • Orthodontic problems (tooth crowding)
  • Gingivitis
  • Traumatic and surgical injuries and incorrect and frequent use of toothpicks,
  • Smoking and alcohol use
  • Poor and irregular diet,Conditions that cause hormonal changes such as diabetes, heart diseases, pregnancy, menopause,-Birth control, anti-depressantand heart medications can cause gum recession. It is unlikely that zirconium teeth will cause gingival recession.